Monday, August 10, 2015

The Martian by Andy Weir

Rating: 5/5

“I started the day with some nothin’ tea. Nothin’ tea is easy to make. First, get some hot water, then add nothin’.” ― Andy Weir, The Martian
*A review of this book can also be found on my Youtube channel under the videos tab*

For a person who has only watched a handful of space movies and never read a science fiction book, this one really did it for me. I was concerned that the technical terms would be complex and difficult to understand but that wasn't the case. There are a lot of details in this book but the author was able to explain it in lay-men's terms and therefore I was able to understand and get through it with no problems.  

I loved the humor of the character Mark Watney, the challenges he faced, his determination to resolve the issues he came across, his dedication and the motivation throughout the whole ordeal all with sarcasm. As I approached the end of the book, I became more anxious wanting to know what occurs and I wanted things to happen NOW and then they did and I smiled and then everything was alright. Right? Right! Looking forward to the movie coming out, will definitely be watching it. 

Nfinite Pages

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