Rating: 4/5
*I was provided a copy of this book courtesy of Net Galley for an honest review*
The story tells of Ammi, a wife and mother, who fled with her husband from India to Pakistan. Her sons later we find out are in the United States and eventually marry American girls both whom have converted to Islam. This story tells of acceptance, culture and religion and what it means to each of them.
I like the authors writing, the short stories she included between the chapters and her knowledge and explanation especially when someone doesn't know much about Islam. I was easily consumed by this book and was fascinated at the roles of 2 women who basically wanted the same things and how they went about getting it and what happened after receiving it.
The only issue I have with this book is how it ended. I wanted to know more and was disappointed because I really want there to be a sequel.There are unanswered questions and this will always make me wonder. Definitely a great read as a family saga and cultural reading.
Nfinite Pages